Harmony is being different together


November and December are the two best months of the year, with their festive feeling and back to back holidays.  For most of us holidays also means family time, and usually that’s a good thing.  However, holidays can be a stressful time of year for many people, and even for the best of families there can be drama.  Growing up, holidays were always the same.  I’d spend half of the day with my mom’s side of the family and the other half with my dad’s side, always dreading that awkward moment when it was time to make my goodbyes and head to the other side.

Whether it’s over stimulated kids or that one family member that rub us the wrong way,  Here are a few tips to avoid family drama, stay positive and make the most of this holiday season!

1. Stay organized –  We all start to feel stressed when we get disorganized or feel as though we’ve forgotten something.  Make a list and check things off one by one.  By planning ahead and staying on top of things, you can avoid starting the holidays off feeling stressful.

2. Have quiet entertainment options for the children – I know that my kids can get over excited around the holidays, and although I don’t want to squash their excitement, I do need them to calm down a bit before getting too wild.  By taking along a book, movie or coloring pages, you can give the kids some options to have some quiet time and still be entertained.

3. Don’t take the bait- There’s always going to be differences of opinions and no one ever gets along all of the time.  Remember that the holidays can be stressful for everyone, so don’t take it personally if another family member is crabby.  When around that one family member that gets under your skin, don’t take the bait and argue.  You may not be able to control their actions, but you can control your response to them.  If you start to feel them getting under your skin, politely change the subject or quietly slip away to mingle with another relative.

4. Most of all, remember that “harmony is being different together” – Life would be pretty boring if we were all the same, so embrace your differences and try to relax and have a good time.


Journaling Challenge – We’ve all had instances in our lives where we disagree with family, but we must come to a point of harmony. Whether we agree to disagree or we work out our differences, we must agree that “harmony is being different together.” The Challenge is to create a new LO telling a story about family harmony.  Feel free to use the quote or tell the story in your own words, but your page must include at least one paragraph of journaling.  Upload your layout in the gallery and post it in the forum here:  The Drawing Board: Challenges


FarrahAbout the Author:  Farrah Jobling is a member of the Creative Team here at The Digital Press.  She lives in Denver with her amazing family, Mike, Nicholas (8), Claire (6) and Hope (1 yr old puppy).  She works from home as a photographer and enjoys scrapping her personal photos.

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