I may just have a little bit of a fixation with maps. Not only because I love to travel, but because they always give me a spark of imagination. They can make you feel like you are a part of something bigger. They can give you a feeling of confidence and allow you to realize that you won’t lose yourself. They can shed light on mystery and give you a peek into someone else’s story.
Whether they are official maps, treasure maps, maps of fictional locations, or hand-drawn, I love them. And if there is a map inside some sort of novel I’m reading… that is even better! You can use maps for decorating and DIY projects. Nail art. Fun projects with kids. And of course, memory keeping. No matter what type of project you’re working on, another nice thing about maps is that they are a great design feature to add some visual interest.
This pocket page is a great example of using maps for visual interest as well as adding to the story without having to journal out all of the details.

This is a fun art-journal style page that is hybrid and shows the versatility of maps in design.

This next page is visually gorgeous. Not only did she use a map paper background, but then also added the specific area and country info on a larger scale with a fun stitched line to connect the two.

This is a different take on the map… using the country silhouette instead of a detailed/topographical map.

And isn’t this just a super fun idea for a hybrid project? A cute shadowbox with a map background and different tickets. I’d love to have one of these on my wall.

Maps are a great replacement for patterned paper and can add depth and meaning that only enhances your pages/projects. They can tell our stories and provide a background narrative. They can provide perspective and information without using journaling. You can sketch out your own maps and add them to pages to give some local flavor. You can even map out your home and share that information with future generations. You can use world maps, country maps, state and city maps, even neighborhood or bike trail/hiking/walking paths. And if you break maps down into parts (location, map elements, directions, etc.), you can stretch your imagination even further.
Where can a map take you?? For more map-related inspiration, you can always Google or use Pinterest to find great ideas and images to motivate you.
Be sure to check out all of the fun map-related products in the store. And check out our forum for the coordinating challenge!
About the Author: Kimberlee is a lover not a fighter; a stay-at-home gran, a poet, and a lifelong learner. She grooves on saturated colors, Tuesday dance parties, optimism, glitter and sunshine. She colors outside the lines. She is a dreamer. She is a collector of moments. She is all about the story. Kimberlee completed her MFA in Creative Writing and is just finished her M.Ed. in Instructional Design.