Category: Inspiration

Be REAL! Let’s be present in our Photos & Layouts!

Be Real: Be Present in Photos

This month, we have been “REAL.” We’ve covered the real parts of real life- it’s messy, it’s hard and focusing on telling real stories in our scrapbooking. Today, I want to talk about something that I have struggled with lately- being present in my life as far as photos go. I have all these fabulous pages & stories told from my perspective but hardly any evidence of me “being” there. This month- I want us all to start showing up on our layouts (via photographic evidence!)

Let’s just be honest for a second here- we’ve all had our trials & tribulations & looked better. I will be the 1st to admit that I don’t love the photos taken of me- in my head I see a much different picture than what I see on the screen/camera. After my son was born, I still have hung on to that ‘baby’ weight- even though we just celebrated his 4th birthday! I know I’m not the only one that didn’t put on clothes with buttons on or (gasp!) got a good shower today (and by good I don’t mean the 5 minute necessary parts.) I know that many of us- not just mommas- avoid the camera for our reasons, but that stops today!

My mother gave me a wonderful keepsake book all about her. There are photos of her all throughout her childhood, teenage years, the early days of her & my dad’s marriage & then of course my sister & I with her. I LOVE it with big old bold capitals & italics. This got me thinking of what evidence my kids have of my life with them? They won’t remember the minutiae of our daily lives or all that I do for them, but having a picture of us reading together, playing with the dog or of our family at the lake house- will be cherished (or at least I hope so!) I also read somewhere on the interwebs about how our sons and daughters need to see us as ourselves- human & beautiful in our natural womanly ways- especially with all the media they are inadvertently exposed to. What message are we sending to our kids if we’re avoiding our picture because we don’t like how we look?

Lastly, I want my kids to not only have photographic evidence of me IN their lives, but also to remind them that I am my own person- with my own likes, dislikes, flaws and all. I want them to see that I loved to bake. That I enjoy doing crafty things. That I enjoy reading. That I love their Daddy. That I loathe laundry (please someone invent something that folds & puts it all away!)

I’m trying harder to make sure when I’m snapping pictures, to at least get a selfie or even ask someone to take one of me in the photo too! Here are some examples from the gallery that I love that have MOM in the picture!


Be Real: Be Present in Photos

Be Real: Be Present in Photos



Be Real: Be Present in Photos


Be Real: Be Present in Photos

Be Real: Be Present in Photos


Let’s make sure that we’re documenting all the joys in our life, our family and ourselves. Please join me over at the forum for a fun challenge!

AmieAbout the Author: Amie is a craft loving, dental hygienist in WA state who loves her husband, two kids (ages 7 & 4), English Bulldog, coffee, baking cupcakes, daffodils, glitter & sprinkles, reading a good book and lip gloss- not necessarily in that order. 

Bringing Out The “Real” Story

May 27 2015 Bringing out the real story blog header
Hello hello howdy aloha!!!! I am wayyyy excited to be writing my first blog post and hosting only my second challenge. (you couldn’t tell could you?!!!)

You know how everyone talks about a picture being worth a thousand words. I couldn’t agree more but sometimes just sometimes pictures also need a bit of help – with words. Especially when documenting those little firecrackers otherwise known as children! I’m fortunate to have two of the species and I can’t be more thankful or grateful for having given this opportunity to grow up (once again!) with them. Sometimes I feel like an outsider observing and documenting their changes, their ups and downs and their extra special every-day-not-one-like-any-other one!!!!

What I’m trying to say is that if I could capture all the nitty gritties and quirks of my ever-restless and unpredictable rug rats, I would consider myself  a photographer par excellence! Sadly that doesn’t always happen. Most of the times I’m laughing too hard, clutching my stomach to reach for my iphone or Nikon D5100! What I can do is grab my notebook and write down the precious moment to be preserved for posterity. If I can find pics from the similar time period I will most likely include them or I’ll just go on with the story solo.

You will have come across many different ways of documenting the “real” story. It can be in form of interviews or lists or just a conversation captured. I personally like to make these pages with an eye-catching tile so it is quite evident what they are about – what happened, what was said and the aftermath lol!!!

Here are a few of examples to bring the concept alive for you:

1. I used this for the recently hosted NSD journaling challenge. The pictures here tell a contradicting story to the “real” moments. So it was quite important that I recorded those details for posterity with a pinch of humour of course!

bringing out the real story
(Not) love!!!


2. Here’s one where just two lines of conversation tell you the entire story – the dynamics of it and brings the scene alive for you. These photos are from the same day but not exactly when the conversation happened.


brining out the real story
You are welcome didi!


3. Here’s another style I like – capturing a sort of theme around my daughter’s dare-devil jumps.


brining out the real story
Trisha’s jumps


4. And here’s my final example. I didn’t have photos for this but that didn’t stop me from documenting the very cute and important aspect of the two sisters’ talk. It is much more fun this way I think. Leaves you to do the imagining bit.


brining out the real story
No way you said that!!!


So that’s it. There is no one mantra for story telling, it should be what appeals to you, what brings it alive for you. Hopefully, this gives you a bit of inspiration to scrap about things that don’t always have photos or the right corresponding photos or any photos at all!!!

I am also hosting a challenge on this theme.Come join me in playing here;use some of the tips from above or share one of  your own.

Happy story telling – the “real” way.

Profile pic avatar small

About the author: Shivani Sohal is a donner of many alter-egos. A finance professional by day in busy London, she morphs into a seemingly normal mum of two in the evenings and weekends. She is constantly found with her fingers in too many pies and juggling the metaphorical balls. That is living on the edge for her; aided by the two ankle biters and a darling hubby who define the warm and mushy for her. She is ferociuosly dedicated to memory keeping – almost immune to any nay-sayers (or equally disruptive crying children or annoying house fires!!!);keeping her head down and forging ahead at all times.

Be Brave. Scrapping what makes you Brave

Be Brave. Scrapping what makes you Brave

When I first took on this Challenge, I thought I would scrap about what makes me BRAVE. But the more I thought about it, I wanted to know what makes my middle child, Emily BRAVE. As parents I think we have preconceived notions about our children, but maybe that isn’t how they view themselves. She will be starting Kindergarten in the Fall and I am pretty sure she will walk right in and quickly wave good bye and be on her way. She will take over that room like nobody’s business! We joke about it with her and she throws up a peace sign and says, “I am going to be like Bye Daddy!”

But what if she is actually nervous? scared?

Like at an Ice Cream social last summer. There was a petting zoo and pony rides and my outgoing, BRAVE little girl wanted nothing to do with either of them. That surprised me. Her Big Sister took her hand and led her around.

So, I thought it would be fun to interview her before she starts Kindergarten and see what she thinks about being BRAVE.

Me: Emily, do you know what it means to be Brave?

Emily: Yes. To not be scared.

Me: What makes you scared?

Emily: Ghosts and dreams about Witches.

Me: What do you do to not be scared?

Emily: I just forget about it.

Me: And you remember those aren’t real things, right?

Me: What about the time you were scared to go into the Petting Zoo and ride the horse?

Emily: I just took Katelyn’s hand and then it wasn’t scary.

Be Brave. Scrapping what makes you Brave

Materials Used-

Be Brave : The Kit by Kim B Designs


And now come over to the forums to join us in the challenge!!


Krista About the Author: Krista Lund is a mom of 3, married to her High School Sweetheart living in SF Bay Area. Some of her favorite things are brownies, chips n dip, taking pictures and documenting her family’s story.

Real Inspiration for Hybrid Layouts

Finding Inspiration for Hybrid Layouts


We all know that Pinterest is a great source for inspiration for layouts, but beyond being inspired by other people’s layouts, what do you look at for inspiration? I’m a firm believer than inspiration can come from anywhere. One of my very favorite ways to get inspired is by looking at vintage record covers. I have several of these pinned on my inspiration board.

Find Inspiration for Hybrid Layouts

For this layout, I found a record cover that I really loved and modeled my layout almost exactly after it. I used The Digital Press’s shop Collab called Go Play and created a sketch in Silhouette Studio and used print and cut with my Silhouette Cameo to cut out all the different pieces of this layout.

blog 2

Source here

Another example of a layout based off of a record cover is this layout I made using Mari Koegelenberg’s and Laura Passage’s #HappyThings collection.

Finding Inspiration for Hybrid Layouts

This layout was based off of another record cover and made within the Silhouette Studio. This collection was so fun and inspired me to document all the things that make me happy currently. The record cover was very graphic and geometric which is one of my favorite ways to scrapbook— clean and with lots of circles/triangles/stars, etc.

Finding Inspiration for Hybrid Layouts

Source here.

And if you can’t find the inspiration you are looking for in record covers, I recommend finding a good scrapbook sketch.

Finding Inspiration for Hybrid Layouts

I found a sketch on the Paper Issues blog and was immediately inspired to use Amanda Yi’s and Karla Dudley’s Limitless collection. Again, I recreated the sketch in the Silhouette studio using the shape tool and shapes I owned and dropped the digital patterned papers directly into the shapes. Then I did a print and cut and assembled and added a few extra embellishments.

Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box when it comes to finding inspiration. Record covers or any sort of visual art can be great forms of inspiration. And if all else fails, find a great paper scrapbooking sketch and go from there!

Finding Inspiration for Hybrid Layouts

About the Author: Brenda Smith is a mother of two littles and wife located in Southern California. When she is not scrapbooking, you can find her working full-time, trying to finish up her college degree with online classes, or sleeping because there are never enough hours in the day. Hybrid scrapping satisfies her addiction to technology and her addiction to paper and glue.

“Real Life” can be “Real Tough” – Scrap Therapy

"Real Life" can be "Real Tough"

As “Memory Keepers” we strive to document our lives, from the everyday “little” things to the big events or occasions, vacations or day trips and milestones or achievements. Our pages and projects tell our story, document our life, and they will be around for generations to come! Our loved ones, ourselves, family, friends all smiling and joyful, jubilant and merry!

Now all of this is absolutely great to see, amazing to look back on, and it is simply wonderful to reminisce about those magical and joyous times in our lives when looking through our printed books, or handmade projects! However, what about those times of worry, times of stress, those hiccups along life’s path? Those cloudy days, the sick days, times when you or a loved one has felt heavy hearted? We all have these moments, and there is no harm in sharing or documenting them! Don’t be afraid to lay testimony to those moments in your life too, because “Real Life” can be “Real Tough”!

The tough times, sadness, down days and nail biting moments are just as important to remember, and sometimes scrapping them out can make dealing with those sad, gloomy and bleak times a little easier! I like to call it “Scrap Therapy!”

Here is an example of documenting the sad and difficult times of family life. Erin (Miimsgirl) documents here in this layout the passing of a family pet and shows the sadness and grieving from her sons eyes. A part of  life we all experience for the first time in many different ways, and something that is monumental for a child and can be the very beginning of watching your children grow into compassionate  and caring young people.

Goodbye Tiger

Real Life can be "Real Tough"

Credits:  Monsters in my Head by Sugarplum Paperie & Studio Basic 


“Scrap Therapy” can also take you out of your usual comfort zone, I first tried an “Art Journal” style page when I was going through a particularly tough time back in 2013, I was struggling with my chronic illness and the comments of “But you don’t look sick” plus lots of  “well meant” advice or “bright ideas” had me ready to just scream! My page was dark and messy with a mix of brushed, painted  and bold stamped alphas, lots of paint and some serious heartfelt journaling! It took a whole weight off my shoulders just by  “scrapping it out”.

“Real Tough” doesn’t necessarily mean something heavy or depressing!  I’d like to share with you my most recent “Art Journal” style page. In this page I’m expressing what’s going on right now in my weight loss journey, it is starting to get a bit rocky, I’ve hit a bump in the road and need to power on through it! I’m reminding myself to “keep my chin up” I’m documenting my struggle yet being positive about it too,  reminding myself that this is a journey and I need to keep going!

Keep Going

Real Life can be "Real Tough"

Credits: Heart Art : Value Bundle #10 & Let’s Go Outside : Collection by Sugarplum Paperie


Another visit to the gallery had me admiring this arty and creative layout by Pamie! Journaling is a fantastic way to document your feelings and emotions, your thoughts and worries.

Here Pamie documents a time in her families life when things seemed so uncertain, yet there were some blessings in disguise too! Getting those thoughts out of her mind and into a visual diary of sorts, had her noticing and realizing that although it was a rough ride, life had a way of working things out in the end!

Trust The Process

Real Life can be "Real Tough"


I’m going to leave you with this page I made documenting my everyday life living with chronic pain and having to self inject every 2 weeks. I scrap my families every day moments, vacations and achievements in “Pocket Style” pages, so why leave out the “Real Tough” side of our life in this style of memory keeping? It is telling a story of part of me, the fact I have overcome my fear of needles to a certain extent, that I have been braver in the last year than I ever though I could be.

I’m hoping that one day I can look back on this time in my life  and see how far I have come since the treatment began, that I can remember how tough it was and hopefully how easier it has become? Who knows what the future holds, but at least I have documented  the memories and events of my life right now!

Be Brave

Real Life can be "Real Tough"

Credits: Be Brave : The Kit & Be Brave : Journal Cards by KimB – Everyday Life Templates Set 4 by Sabrina’s Creations


So yes, “Real Life” can be “Real Tough” but I hope you can see that documenting those tough times is easier than you think, and that these moments are just as important to document  as all the wonderful happy, bright and cheery pages we see in the galleries and have printed in our memory keeping books.

Please join me in the Forum where I am hosting a challenge this month, and hoping to help you get those “Real Tough” times documented too.




About the Author: Vicky is a member of the Creative Team here at The Digital Press. She is a stay at home Mum who lives in the UK about 10 or so miles from Central London, with her husband and their “karate mad” 8 year old son. She is an avid reader, memory keeper and coffee lover! With an obsession for Yankee candles!










Real Love


Real Love. What does that look like to you? It is actually a very deep question. Some people run from real love. Some people run towards real love. Some will even fight for real love. It will evoke emotion within you. As you are sitting there reading this post, what are you feeling about REAL love? It is a tough question. If you are in a great spot in your life, it will give you happy thoughts. If you are in a rough spot, I will be surprised if you have read this far. It can be very painful. Where are you?

I want you to think about real love. Where you are at right now. One of the places I am at is seeing 15 years of “work” paying off. I have fought for real love with my girls. My oldest never liked her younger sister (shocking, I know.). But she is finally at a place where she is maturing and appreciating the relationship she has with her. She is even starting to mentor her. As a SAHM, this has been my job. Raising a loving, caring family. There were days I wanted to quit. But I knew I couldn’t. So I kept fighting for real love. It got messy. It was beautiful. And it was worth it.

Real Love

Join us in scrapping your real love moment here.



About the Author:  Heidi has been scrapping for 17 years. Her passions include dark chocolate, photography of her family and reading Christian fiction. When not doing one of these activities, she can be found working at an elementary school library or enjoying being a SAHM.