December Advent Day Eight: Get to Know Karla Dudley

Karla DudleyThis month, in recognition of our site’s opening, we’ve decided to combine December Advent with a fun “Get to Know Our Designers” event. Each day, you’ll get a chance to learn about one of the amazing members of our Design Team.

It’s Day Eight, and today you get to learn more about our very own Karla Dudley. She’s got an hand-drawn artistic design style that we know you will adore, and her products are known for the color combinations and illustrations and handwritten word art that is uniquely Karla. 🙂



  1. I was a competitive cheerleader from 7th grade through college and turned down an offer to be in the first Bring it On movie because of school (my coach at the time made the routines in the movie ^_^ ).
  2. I have two sets of back-to-back twins that were both born full term with no complications (thank you God… blessed).
  3. I can sing real well but have yet to sing to anyone. I’m always overheard lol! …I’m paralyzingly shy.
  4. I’ve been inside the Statue of Liberty. Right up her booty! Yep, it was rad!
  5. I believe in unicorns.


  1. Art… all kinds. Digital, watercolour, graphic, photography, color, bands, plays… anything. Just give it to me!
  2. Crocheting. Love this as a hobby. Good Stuff!
  3. Video Games. Mario, Bayonetta, Kingdom Hearts… love it all!
  4. Horror Movies. The bloodier the better. I’m also addicted to the dark.
  5. Child of the 80’s. Love everything about it. The dress, the music especially. My childhood was nothing but magic ^_^


Wow… I’m going to have to go with Clear Essentials. I can NOT live without these. Like seriously use them 99% of the time!!!

Clear Essentials Bundle 1


If you love Karla’s products and would like a chance to win one free kit from her shop… leave a comment here on this post and let us know what you love, and why you love it! At the very end of our December Advent series later this month, we’ll randomly choose one winner from all comments!


  1. sue_will says:

    Love everything! Love her attitude, her design style, her products and at the moment I am especially in love with Gilded – a collaboration. Oh my – making my December album easy and IMO gorgeous!

  2. suruha2306 says:

    Karla has a definite style, all her own! I love her shoppe! I could look at the goodies all day! She’s got a wicked sense of humor, too! LOL


  3. SherriS. says:

    As a mom of one set of twins, I am in awe of Karla having TWO! I’m really enjoying this meet the designer series and being introduced to their products. Hard to choose just one item that I like but Understated especially the stamps appealed to me.

  4. Carrie says:

    Those clear elements look really cool! She definitely has a style all her own! I’m going to go browse her shop some more. 🙂

  5. HyperTyper says:

    I have had Mellow Yellow on my wish list since Taylor used it in one of her classes! I would looove to win it!

    I love this Advent series–getting to know the designers!

  6. minicooper452 says:

    I agree! HOW did I miss these? Love ’em and love learning about you, Karla! (but, pssssst, ya spell your name “wrong”) Love, Carla 😉

  7. corrin says:

    ooh I love your stuff Karla, and so fun to learn a little more about you! I’d love to have the Gilded grab bag (actually it is the templates that I have my little heart set on!) – thanks for the chance to win! 🙂

  8. Lor says:

    Luv! Luv! Luv! Your creations Karla and enjoyed hearing more about you!!! Holy Moly, two sets of twins!!! You are a super Mom Karla! 🙂

  9. amanda.schmidt522 says:

    I love all the loopy handwritten word stamps in Karla’s kits. I use them for everything! And I love the color combos she picks for her kits. Always gorgeous!

  10. solysombra33 says:

    when i first discovered Karla’s design, i had been hooked by one of her LO, “Resolution”. I lifted her , feeling captivated by that perfect clean page. Scrapping with Karla’s kits, it’s like giving thanks… It’s authentic and evident… Hope our roads will cross many many times in scrap world. Good luck in this new shop…

  11. Chloe says:

    Karla’s designs are absolutely stunning to me because of their perfect balance. They are minimal, simple at first glance and yet full of details and texture and… Well, amazing!!

  12. KB says:

    Thanks for showcasing Clear Essentials! This is just what I need for the project I am working on right now. Serendipity? Perhaps.

  13. laureldg says:

    I’m a huge fan of Karla’s. I would love her iArt or the thanksgiving kit she just released. Can’t wait to scrap with Gilded.

  14. retbrock55 says:

    I think that the Clear Essentials Bundle is a must have in any scrappers inventory 🙂
    and the kit that I’m most drawn too would be iArt !!!!! Its so very pretty 🙂
    I’m placing that one on my wish list !!

  15. shayna says:

    I love her work. Especially the All Year Round series this year. I hope she continues it next year or does something like it. I wouldn’t miss a month…LOL

  16. wahoolady says:

    Wow, back to back sets of twins? So jealous…..I always thought it would be great to have twins (although hubby didn’t necessarily agree!)
    So great getting to know more about you.

  17. tlcd1961 says:

    I love everything about your kits! I always love the colors and the Silhouette shapes especially! If I had to pick only one, it would probably be iArt. Just love it! Thanks for the chance to win!

  18. glee says:

    wow! I never realized you have two sets of twins!! Go Mama. You are awesomer than I even realized. loved learning your little factoids, all were so interesting.

  19. jazzmom21 says:

    Wow! 2 sets of twins; you are a very busy mom! Your Understated kit is amazing! Wishing you & your family much love & peace this holiday!

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