December Advent Day Nine: Get to Know Digital Scrapbook Ingredients

Willemijne of Digital Scrapbook IngredientsThis month, in recognition of our site’s opening, we’ve decided to combine December Advent with a fun “Get to Know Our Designers” event. Each day, you’ll get a chance to learn about one of the amazing members of our Design Team.

It’s Day Nine, and today you get to learn more about Willemijne of Digital Scrapbook Ingredients. She’s got a bright, bold design style that is fun and graphic and playful, and her shop is filled with a great mix of both kits and templates that we know you will love.



  1. I could talk before I started walking. I actually told my parents I was going to take my first few steps!
  2. I grew up on a farm and used to spend a bit of my free time riding along on the tractor harvesting potatoes. That’s probably why I love them so much!
  3. Because I experienced RSI pains in my arm by spending so much time on the computer, I taught myself to use my computer mouse with my left hand (I am right-handed) and now design most of my products with my left hand.
  4. I was born and raised in The Netherlands and have lived there for 26 years, but 4 years ago my partner Peter and I moved to Australia!
  5. Peter and I are getting married next year! The day we are getting married will also be the day that we are together for exactly 10 years!


  1. Things to watch: TV series like 24, Prison Break and Alias. I can spend hours watching these shows!
  2. Quote: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
  3. Place to shop: I absolutely love going to markets, hunting for vintage treasures!
  4. Food: I love Greek food, especially the meat. And potatoes of course, LOL!
  5. Sports: Volleyball and hiking.


I think that has to be Natural Beauty. I love the pretty colors and the kit is really versatile!

Natural Beauty


If you love Digital Scrapbook Ingredients’ products and would like a chance to win one free kit from her shop… leave a comment here on this post and let us know what you love, and why you love it! At the very end of our December Advent series later this month, we’ll randomly choose one winner from all comments!


  1. SherriS. says:

    I’m so impressed that you now design with your left hand! Enjoyed getting to know you a bit. It was a hard choice but I really love Merry and Bright.

  2. Jen says:

    How amazing is it that you were able to completely change hands? And design that way too. Back in my accounting department days I taught myself to use a calculator left handed without looking so I could write with my right hand. Not quite as big a deal as designing, but I was proud of myself. 🙂 So good to get to know you.

  3. Chloe says:

    Love those little tidbits about you and I really enjoyed getting to know you! I love that you will get married on your ten years anniversary, darn it I should have thought about it!! LOL Gorgeous designs, it’s hard to pick a fave!

  4. Emily S says:

    I’ve watched Alias on Netflix at least twice! I like your All Year Round series, I might have to purchase that! As for other than that, I like your Back to Basics Kit.

  5. skapu says:

    I’ve only seen your stuff recently but I love your style! I’d love to win your All Year Round December kit! thanks so much for the chance! It’s nice to get to know you better!

  6. Kiana says:

    I’m a left hander and I can’t teach myself to use the mouse with my left hand. WOW!!!

    I’d love to have Yesteryear. I recently wrote a poem with that title, and I’d love to use that kit to document it!

  7. jazzmom21 says:

    I love DSI designs; especially the templates … but her Yesteryear kit is beautiful! Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself … I would so love to visit Australia! Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! My niece just got married on the 10th year of their first date! May you have a wonderful Christmas & a beautiful life together!

  8. Kylarice says:

    Congrats on your engagement. I also had to learn to use my left hand to operate the mouse but I don’t think I could do anything like designing!

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