December Advent Day Ten: Get to Know Kelleigh Ratzlaff

Kelleigh RatzlaffThis month, in recognition of our site’s opening, we’ve decided to combine December Advent with a fun “Get to Know Our Designers” event. Each day, you’ll get a chance to learn about one of the amazing members of our Design Team.

It’s Day Ten, and today you get to learn more about Kelleigh Ratzlaff. Not only is Kelleigh our resident hybrid guru (have you seen her papercrafting templates?!… To.Die.For!), but she also makes some amazing hybrid-friendly digital kits that we know you’re just going to adore.



  1. I’m the second oldest of 11 kids (my parents run an international adoption agency; falling in love is an occupational hazard).
  2. Since we are holding wild animals around here (see Day 1 and Day 4!), I once held a large tarantula in Mexico. I was fine until it started creeping up my arm.
  3. I became a runner in my mid/late 30’s and I’ve run 5 half marathons and Hood to Coast relay twice (plus some 5Ks and 10Ks sprinkled in there). It’s never too late!
  4. I have my Master’s Degree in Education: Curriculum and Instruction and I used to teach middle school. I’m a SAHM now (with 4 crafty businesses), and love being home (by myself, since my two boys are in school!).
  5. I can still do the splits.


  1. Dutch Bros Coffee. The Annihilator, specifically. It totally cures PMS.
  2. Breakfast sandwiches: English muffin, egg (fried with a runny yolk from my own sweet chickens), and Tillamook cheese with generous amounts of Franks Red Hot sauce. I could eat them at every meal of the day.
  3. Disneyland. I love the magic. I’d like to live in New Orleans Square.
  4. SmartWool socks. A necessity in the Pacific Northwest!
  5. My husband. People still tease me that I talk about him so much! 17 years and counting! I’m blessed.


I have so much fun with my papercraft templates! If I had to choose just one, I’d probably pick my Cupcake Shaped Box. I created it back in 2009 for a charitable fundraiser, and it has been one of my top-sellers ever since!

Cupcake Shaped Box


If you love Kelleigh’s products and would like a chance to win one free kit from her shop… leave a comment here on this post and let us know what you love, and why you love it! At the very end of our December Advent series later this month, we’ll randomly choose one winner from all comments!


  1. skapu says:

    I love your hybrid templates and own several of them! I don’t have any of your kits yet though and they are gorgeous! I’d love to win your A Heartfelt Christmas! thanks so much for the chance!

  2. SherriS. says:

    Kelleigh has a wonderful variety of designs that make me wish I was into cutting files! That owl card (sigh). I would love to win the Choose Happiness kit because it feels happy:)

  3. AmieN1 says:

    I’m a PNW’er too! 🙂 Well, I was (olympia area) now we live in Spokane- way better weather! 😉
    I love all your hybrid stuff & love to cut them on my silhouette! 😀

  4. Chloe says:

    I’ve just started runnin around my 35th b’day so, yeah, it’s never too late! And Kuddos on the splits, that’s pretty impressive. Love your products, although I’m not an hybrider AT ALL, but your kits are terrific as well!

  5. Jen says:

    Love Disney and Smartwool socks too! I was introduced to those socks a few years back when planning an Alaskan vacation. They are invaluable in cold and damp environments.

  6. sue_will says:

    Love that cupcake box, and those pinwheel templates (sigh, but don’t own a silhouette for cutting them out), and love how you include solid papers in your kits.

  7. Kiana says:

    I am totally enamored with my hubby too. We’ve been together 18 years and married 11. So I’d totally rock, Love Perseveres by KR!

  8. mart.and1 says:

    I think I have most of your cutting files and a few of your kits, in fact I just checked and I have 445 items in my files, Yep! I’m a fan of ALL your makes. I’m sure there is a lot more to be had though.

    Interesting about the coffee, I’m past PMS and the Menopause, but could do with something occasionally, like 2 days a month LOL

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