This month, in recognition of our site’s opening, we’ve decided to combine December Advent with a fun “Get to Know Our Designers” event. Each day, you’ll get a chance to learn about one of the amazing members of our Design Team.
It’s Day Three, and it’s time to learn more about Kim Broedelet (who many of you also know as KimB Designs). She’s got a soft and shabby design style that we know you will adore, and her products are known for being gorgeous and romantic.
- I did acrobatics when I was younger, and am still rather supple in my old age; these moves usually come out as party tricks after a few glasses of wine. LOL
- I held down three casual jobs while studying full time to put myself through Varsity to get my Textile design degree.
- I lived in Argentina (Buenos Aires) for over a year, and had to go back to school to learn Spanish (which is so rusty now, due to not being used).
- I have a mild OCD “have to clean my teeth” problem… let’s just say I even have a spare toothbrush and toothpaste in the car.. LOL
- I met my hubby while camping with my folks at Bushmans River when I was 16 (married him at 22). My son met his now long-term girlfriend in the same place when she was 16, too. Sort of ironic and very much a feeling of déjà vu.
- Book/author: I’m a Dean Koontz, Stephan King, Robin Cook don’t miss a book girl, but will read anything except love story/sagas. I’m a thriller/sci-fi/suspense girl.
- Actor: I love all the “oldies but goodies” – Sean Connery, Morgan Freeman, George Clooney…
- TV Show: The Walking Dead… hubby can’t handle it, so I watch it on my own as sort of a guilty pleasure and in peace… LOL
- Product I can’t live without: my lip Ice (or chapstick as you call it)… and of course my toothbrush… HAHAHA
- Quote/saying: “If you worry you die, if you do not worry you still die, so why worry?”
If you love Kim’s products and would like a chance to win one free kit from her shop… leave a comment here on this post and let us know what you love, and why you love it! At the very end of our 2014 December Advent series later this month, we’ll randomly choose one winner from all comments!
I’ve always loved your design style Kim. LOVE your 5 favorite things, I can identify with all of them!
As a Dental Hygienist- I just want to say “Thank you!”
You are my favorite kind of patient! 
What do I love? KimB designs, of course! I have a lot of your kits and am presently using Precious Beginnings for my DGS’s baby album. AND, I just love that little boy beyond words! These days I am really loving your word art and journaling cards!
Carolyn L.
It’s wonderful to get to know the designers and I loved reading that Kim’s son met his girlfriend just like she and her husband met! I loved everything in Kim’s shop but if I have to pick just one – He’s All That (especially the journal cards).
I just discovered your designs, and absolutely love them. I have already purchased several of your kits; and I can’t wait to build my stash.
Oh- I love your quote, too. I am going to show my hubby as soon as he wakes up(:
So nice to get to know you, Kim! I love Nature’s Playground – gorgeous colors and such a fun variety of animals!
Yay! Another Walking Dead and chapstick lover! LOL I did manage to turn my hubby on to WD, so there’s still hope for yours.
I love the story about your husband and son
Just looked through your shop and love My Lil Artist. so cute!!
love kim’s designs, her wordart always appeals to me
Kim’s kits have the softest “feel” to them. I love her texturing and that she limits her color swatches. And her pinwheels are spectacular. Check out her Just Being Mom Kit to see what I mean.
I love Kim’s kits. The animals in “Nature’s Playground” are amazing!
Love your style, Kim, starting with Spirit Wild Child until my latest favorite, Nature’s Playground. Like that earthy stuff!
Great quote! Love Kim’s upbeat nature. Been a fan for ages and it’s nice to get to know you better. Thanks for the chance.
Thanks so much ladies.. as for hubby and WD.. mmm, going to take a LOT of convincing I think. He turns green at dog poop… BWAHAHAH. – well lets just say I might have to leave a bucket next to him if he makes it through a whole episode ;-P. lol
Loved how she met her husband and her son now his girlfriend. Fun. I have followed Kim’s products for a few years. She has such great talent and style. And another chapstick addict Woot Woot!
Love your quote! And, I have to say it, you have the most beautiful SMILE!
Love you stuff, especially your WA!
I’ve read Dean Koontz as well, but as far as sci-fi/suspense, have you ever read any JD Robb (aka: Nora Roberts)? Her Eve Dallas series is based in 2050+ and some of the stuff she mentions in the books are so cool and so close to being “now”.
Kim has been one of my favorite designers for several years! Her kits are so pretty. Thank you for the chance!
I absolutely love your kit Nature’s Playground, I’m a nature & animal loving nut. Congrats on your new gig!
Loved learning more about you! Love your designs! I too am a fan of TWD, we’ve never missed an episode and it sounds like we read the same authors too.
I have followed Kim everywhere since here very first store!!!! And I think she needs to know that I went to college with Stephen King. And I live in his state. And when I was at a Bruce Springsteen concert in 1977, he was sitting two rows in front of me. Oh and my boss lives in his town and sees him out walking all the time.
Just sayin’!
Kim, I loved you the instant I read my first KimB blog post! Not only are you a terrific designer, but, I love your comments and all your great pics! My family has always been ‘out there’ and it makes me smile to see ya’ll having fun our way! You are one helluva lady! I don’t know how you do it!
A longtime fan,
Kim’s kits are all so beautiful … but I’d really love to have Acceptance. I notice that she only has the collection available in the shop; but I’d be so happy to just have the kit.
Oh, yeah, the Walking Dead!!! LOVE!!! You’re one of the designers at TDP that I wasn’t familiar with, but I’m really looking forward to get to know you and your fabulous designs!
You have such beautiful kits that it is hard to pick a favorite! I would have to go with Handmade with Love. The colors are just gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win!
I’ve followed Kim’s blog for a while now. I think I’d follow it even if I wasn’t into scrapbooking. She always seems to make me laugh!
i’m a huge huge fan of Kim’s design. I completely fell in love with her “child spirit” kit. !! Her design gives a deep soul to the pages… A must scrap designer!
I love your designs! Your kits are so stunning and versatile!
Thank you so much for the wonderful interview!!
I love Kim’s kits! One that I am currently wanting is Moments in Time collection… it looks so versatile!
Love the deja-vu story…that’s pretty cool!
Kim’s word art is outstanding!
I love all of Kim’s stuff, seriously, picking one is like a sin or something….but I’ll go with Stronger!!!! Lol
I absolutely love the “Nature’s Playground Kit”
Love the colors, the animals , just everything …….Such a beautifully crafted kit
Love the interview. I so love her work! My wishlist is long. I’d love to win her Nature’s Playground kit! thanks so much for the chance!
wow! Love the coincidence w/ you and your son’s love stories. So many other fun things in your interview, too. Do you tango? Keep on creating, love your work!!
I love walking dead! I love your design style.
I love all her stuff! She has the eye for color!
My boys are Trouble with a capital “T” for sure. I’d love to have that set!
Love the soft colors of Salted kisses
It’s got to be Handmade With Love for me – just love everything about it!